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1Password — Search and open 1Password items

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I have an issue similar to @llanito's post but haven't been able to get the 1password workflow going. Log file below. I have the cli installed and am able to use it in the terminal. I have enabled the "Integrate with 1Password CLI" option. When I type 1p in Alfred, I get the menu option to "Sign in and update items". If select it, nothing happens. If there are logs or output somewhere, let me know and I am happy to debug more and/or share. Also, I wasn't sure if I should create a new topic or reply in this one. I opted to reply to this one for now, but am happy to create a new topic as well.


### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences

### 1Password version

### op version

### Launchd job
NOT loaded
NOT installed

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9 minutes ago, Sean C said:

Hi I have an issue similar to @llanito's post but haven't been able to get the 1password workflow going. Log file below. I have the cli installed and am able to use it in the terminal. I have enabled the "Integrate with 1Password CLI" option. When I type 1p in Alfred, I get the menu option to "Sign in and update items". If select it, nothing happens. If there are logs or output somewhere, let me know and I am happy to debug more and/or share. Also, I wasn't sure if I should create a new topic or reply in this one. I opted to reply to this one for now, but am happy to create a new topic as well.


Oh wow, how embarrassing. Lol. I simply didn't have the Automation Task Options installed. I installed it and everything works. Hope this saves someone else some troubles.


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although I followed the installation and configuration procedure for 1Password workflow and enabled automation task, I still cannot get any password information with "1p" command.  It would be appreciated if you could share any suggestions.




### Launchd job

Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.vitor.1password


' to Copy to Clipboard

[10:15:45.198] 1Password[Copy to Clipboard] Processing complete

[10:15:45.198] 1Password[Copy to Clipboard] Passing output '### Workflow version



### Alfred version



### macOS version



### Architecture



### Preferences



### 1Password version



### op version



### Launchd job

Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.vitor.1password


' to Dialog Conditional

[10:16:11.665] 1Password[List Filter] Processing complete

[10:16:11.667] 1Password[List Filter] Passing output 'update_items' to Conditional

[10:16:11.668] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete

[10:16:11.669] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'update_items' to Arg and Vars

[10:16:11.670] 1Password[Arg and Vars] Processing complete

[10:16:11.671] 1Password[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Junction

[10:16:11.672] 1Password[Junction] Processing complete

[10:16:11.672] 1Password[Junction] Passing output '' to Automation Task

[10:16:11.674] 1Password[Automation Task] Running task 'Is App Running?' with arguments (



[10:16:11.717] 1Password[Automation Task] Processing complete

[10:16:11.721] 1Password[Automation Task] Passing output 'true' to Conditional

[10:16:11.722] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete

[10:16:11.722] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'true' to Conditional

[10:16:11.723] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete

[10:16:11.723] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'true' to Run Script

[10:16:11.903] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete

[10:16:11.913] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output '' to Conditional

[10:16:11.914] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete

[10:16:11.915] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output '' to Run Script

[10:16:12.046] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete

[10:16:12.054] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output '' to Conditional

[10:16:12.055] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete

[10:16:12.056] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output '' to Run Script

[10:16:13.221] ERROR: 1Password[Run Script] ERROR: Unable to get any items.

[10:16:13.229] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete

[10:16:13.230] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output '' to Call External Trigger

[10:16:13.231] 1Password[External] Processing complete

[10:16:13.233] 1Password[External] Passing output '' to Run Script

[10:16:13.327] STDERR: 1Password[Run Script] cat: /Users/kengosuz/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.vitor.1password/items_hash.txt: No such file or directory

[10:16:13.335] 1Password[Run Script] Processing complete

[10:16:13.336] 1Password[Run Script] Passing output '' to Run Script

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  • 2 weeks later...

After typing the 1p and then the name of an item in 1password and seeing it as a result highlighted, I hit the return key and it does not open that login item in my default browser Chrome. And it has not worked for a long time, if ever since I have used this workflow. Would love any insight to help me get it working so I can just hit return and it works.




### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    logins_only = true

### 1Password version

### op version

### Launchd job
NOT loaded
NOT installed

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In addition to what Stephen said, also check that you have 1Password’s Chrome extension installed. The workflow doesn’t care which browser you use, it just tells macOS to open whatever is default.

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Thanks for getting back. I use Alfred all the time but do not know the fine details of how it runs.


I do have the Chrome extension running and use it all the time.


I did check the post recommended by Stephen_C and did not know what "Automation Task Options" were but Automation Task Options and it looks like I have it installed but not sure exactly that means to have it installed (see attached screenshot).


I also followed the link to the Debugger and ran it, I think properly, below is the output, having removed the personal data from it. The last step in the thread "Conditional" I clicked and then took a screenshot of the place in the Workflow that lit up.


Thanks for your help.


[11:57:42.173] 1Password[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'
[11:57:42.268] 1Password[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
[11:57:42.274] 1Password[Script Filter] {"items":[{"title":"Update items","arg":"update_items","icon":

...and then a whole ton of data that included person 1password data which I do not want to share here...

[11:58:03.354] 1Password[Script Filter] Processing complete
[11:58:03.426] 1Password[Script Filter] Passing output '' to Junction
[11:58:03.427] 1Password[Junction] Processing complete
[11:58:03.428] 1Password[Junction] Passing output '' to Automation Task
[11:58:03.431] 1Password[Automation Task] Running task 'Is App Running?' with arguments (
[11:58:03.478] 1Password[Automation Task] Processing complete
[11:58:03.484] 1Password[Automation Task] Passing output 'true' to Conditional
[11:58:03.486] 1Password[Conditional] Processing complete
[11:58:03.487] 1Password[Conditional] Passing output 'true' to Conditional
[12:00:36.884] Logging Started...
[12:00:40.616] Logging Stopped.

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 12.08.57 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 12.09.30 PM.png

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Got the workflow working on my MacBook Air, but trying for more than hour now to get it also working on my Mac Mini, but fail. Whenever I enter "1p" followed by blank, I cannot get any items listed:




I believe I have set-up everything correctly, but obviously missing something :(

Any help appreciated.


!1pdiagnostic looks like this:


### Workflow version

### Alfred version

### macOS version

### Architecture

### Preferences
Dict {
    mod_none = view_in_1password

### 1Password version

### op version

### Launchd job
Loaded: -    0    com.alfredapp.vitor.1password


Edited by Zbeeble99
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