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Opening specific set of apps and closing all other apps?

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I'm really unsure if that kind of workflow is possible and if Alfred is the right tool for it so I wanted to ask the community opinion.


What I would like to do is:

- Having a preset of "modes" to switch from, such as "development", "trading", "morning routine"

- Activating a mode would open a set of specified apps related to it, and close any other opened apps while remembering their state (which I think is the default in most macos apps)


So that I can "toggle" between different modes otherwise I have to manage so many windows and its getting out of hand.

Is it possible with alfred? If it is, how to do it?

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Yep can certainly be done and I do it but its also worth taking a look at https://bunchapp.co for something that will do exactly what you want, you can then trigger it from Alfred 



I've put together a very quick example workflow for you to play with and customise to your hearts content if you want to stick with Alfred, but I don't promise it will do things as you want. :)




Also if you want to make sure windows end up in the same places take a look at https://manytricks.com/moom/ 


Good luck



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