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How to get search results to sort alphanumerically?

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I run a biweekly meeting, each with meeting notes whose file name follows the format [AIMNotes][YYMMDD].


I expect that the most recent notes should appear at the top, but you can see here that the YYMMDD dates are all jumbled with no discernible order. Why does this happen and how can I fix? 
Thanks in advance. 😁



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Looks like a good use case for a File Filter, which in the Limit and Sort tab has an option to sort by creation or modification date. Also take a look at the Scope tab and you won’t even need to worry about typing the name, it can just show files from that specific folder and/or specific file types (Basic Setup tab).

For an interactive tutorial on making a workflow, see the Getting Started Guide.


Alternatively, navigate to the folder and they’ll show up alphabetically.


Edited by vitor
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