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Alfred Calendar++

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A feature-rich block calendar workflow with Apple Calendar integration to view, create, and search calendar events, or to check your upcoming agenda.


How to Use

Activate the workflow with the keyword (default: cc) or by using the hotkey. Quick access keywords for the agenda, creating new events, and the global search are derived from the keyword by appending a, n, or s: cca, ccn, ccs.

The full documentation is available on Github and in the workflow configuration.

Block Calendar


Week View




New Event



Search Mask



Edited by zeitlings
Fixed Icon
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This looks pretty good! I was looking at it to include in the Gallery but noticed a few things.

The binary seems validly signed, so why the method to remove quarantining? It should run fine in user’s machines if notarised. There is a brief explanation in another post.

The need to specify the the font is unexpected. What does the workflow do to make that necessary?


Edited by vitor
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Thanks! The binary is signed only with a development certificate that I can use as a free-tier developer. For Apple to do their automated checks for notarization, they have you pay the annual €100 that make you eligible to try to put something on the App Store, afaik. And without notarization, the executable should stay in quarantine, whether it is signed or not - or not? Since I currently don't have a use for a payed Developer ID, I don't think that it is an option ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


36 minutes ago, vitor said:

Also, why the need to specify the font? What does the workflow do to make that necessary?


The white space width and overall padding is calculated on a per-font basis to render an as-flawless-as-possible calendar block. To get the font information by somehow probing the user's GUI is something I haven't had the patience to try to implement in Swift alone, yet. Perhaps that is a use case for osascript and something I could look into once I get motivated to pick up the project again. Anyway, to observe how the miscalculations mess up the rendered calendar, you can just change the font and not purge the cache. Not all whitespace is created equal  🫠

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  • 1 year later...

Great Workflow, Thanks a lot.

search for events is most important and powerful feature

I have some suggestions, that would be nice for my use case

# open events and calendars in fantastical??

# search including the location??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @majoja


On 3/25/2024 at 9:34 AM, majoja said:

# open events and calendars in fantastical??


I haven't been using fantastical since they've switched to the subscription model. Unfortunately, I won't be able to debug without access to the application.


On 3/25/2024 at 9:34 AM, majoja said:

# search including the location??


Looking at the code, the location should already have been matched when searching. I can't say why it is not working for you. That being said, I've been reworking the app / workflow recently, so I won't adjust the current version anymore. It shouldn't be too long before the update comes out though.

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Posted (edited)



I am working on the next evolution of the workflow. The major changes involve the addition of an agenda, the possibility to create new events using natural language, improvements of the week view and an overall redesign. For now, the search function stays true to what it was, except that it is handled internally.


I'm announcing this, because I'm looking for some of you to beta test the workflow as I'm somewhat pushing the limits of what can be achieved with Alfred's plain text result items, and would appreciate knowing that it works well on different machines with different configurations. 


For the potential beta tester:

  • I am using the same tricks to right-align the icons that I use to create the tidy block calendar, and would like to know if the layout of the results (e.g. a listed calendar event) succeeds with your custom theme and configuration.
  • One of the key challenges is to present all the relevant information clearly, given Alfred's limitations in displaying data, without making the view feel cluttered and distracting.  I'd like to get your feedback on how well this works, and your suggestions on how to possibly improve the views. Especially the agenda. 
  • I'd also like you to test the new features and let me know if they (a) work for you as expected, (b) are intuitive for you or not, (c) are buggy in any way or broken due to your locale.
  • Permissions authentication has changed recently, and I am wondering if you are having problems granting access to your calendars, and if so, how you may have resolved them.

Note that the workflow requires Apple's SF Symbols to be installed for the icons to show.

Please let me know if you're interested!



Edited by zeitlings
Removed old previews
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Textdriven said:

For events that span over a period of days would it be possible to also show the end date? 


I'll look into it. I've also noticed that these cases need even more attention to be handled elegantly. 


1 hour ago, Cipri said:

This is a great workflow! One suggestion: would it be possible in the future to also show holidays?


Thanks! I have looked into this in the past, and if memory serves, there is an extra layer of complexity since the calendars that provide the holiday events are usually added by subscribing to them. I've put it back on the roadmap to revisit the matter.

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I agree with the comments above, it's a truly wonderful plugin. 
I'd also like to add a feature request, would it be possible to only show in agenda view the current + upcoming events and not those that have already passed? 



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1 hour ago, AnnaBee said:

I agree with the comments above, it's a truly wonderful plugin. 
I'd also like to add a feature request, would it be possible to only show in agenda view the current + upcoming events and not those that have already passed? 




Just to confirm, you mean that events would disappear from the "Today" section if their end date is in the past, right?

Past events from previous days should never make their way into the agenda (that would be a bug).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/13/2024 at 2:15 PM, zeitlings said:


Just to confirm, you mean that events would disappear from the "Today" section if their end date is in the past, right?

Past events from previous days should never make their way into the agenda (that would be a bug).

Exactly, so when it's 11:00 the events from today that are from 00:00-10:59 should not appear, would that be possible? 

Also, is there a setting to toggle that it parses dd-mm-yyyy rather than mm-dd-yyyy when making a new event? when I type 10-05 it assumes it's the 5th of October, but I mean 10th of May. :)  

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21 hours ago, AnnaBee said:

Exactly, so when it's 11:00 the events from today that are from 00:00-10:59 should not appear, would that be possible? 


It would 😄


21 hours ago, AnnaBee said:

Also, is there a setting to toggle that it parses dd-mm-yyyy rather than mm-dd-yyyy when making a new event? when I type 10-05 it assumes it's the 5th of October, but I mean 10th of May. :)  


The date parsing is done with SwiftyChrono. So I'm going to cautiously say no. I briefly skimmed their code again, but didn't see an easy way to implement that. I have, however, linked the underlying calendar to the workflow's instance, the locale of which you can freely set. If your locale assumes that notation as default, then it might work, but I'm not sure if that's the standard anywhere.

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  • Improved recovery of fonts that fail to initialize #3
  • Added option to ignore today's past events in the agenda
  • Added support for builtin themes
    • Exceptions: Large Avenir, High Contrast, Alfred Classic
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just installed the Calendar++ Workflow. It is a great piece of work. I am having a problem adding an all day event. I use !allday to identify it as all day but it doesn't work for me. I'm wondering if others are seeing the same issue or am I missing something?

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 7.29.53 PM.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, I wonder if you can help/offer some advice. I'm using Calendar++ but when I search my agenda for today ALL my calendars show up. They're turned off in Apple Calendar, but still showing in Calendar++. Is there anyway to choose the calendars I want to see? And hide those I don't?

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On 9/7/2024 at 1:30 AM, gcarnold said:

I just installed the Calendar++ Workflow. It is a great piece of work. I am having a problem adding an all day event. I use !allday to identify it as all day but it doesn't work for me. I'm wondering if others are seeing the same issue or am I missing something?

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 7.29.53 PM.png


FYI, currently the `!allday` marker appears to be ignored when no date is specified. For the time being, try something lilke this: `cc !new Some Event today !allday`.


7 hours ago, dscox said:

Hi guys, I wonder if you can help/offer some advice. I'm using Calendar++ but when I search my agenda for today ALL my calendars show up. They're turned off in Apple Calendar, but still showing in Calendar++. Is there anyway to choose the calendars I want to see? And hide those I don't?


Thanks for pointing that out. I have taken note of it and will try to address the issue in the next workflow update. For now, there is no available workaround.

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