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Possible to configure more like spotlight? (typing less keywords)

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I like Alfred, you guys have done really well, but I can't switch because of these differences. Any guidance would be appreciated.


  • Defining a word
    • Spotlight: <word> - Large definition display in window
    • Alfred: define <word> - Small definition display in 1 row
  • Currency convert
    • Spotlight: $100 -  Converts to my system locale's currency
    • Alfred: c 50 usd to eur - Have to install plugin and type "c" keyword
  • Find a file
    • Spotlight: <file name>
    • Alfred: find <file name>

Just a few examples.

I have the powerpack.

Any way to avoid typing the keywords and make these things a bit faster for me?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/20/2023 at 2:30 PM, daylightcome said:
  • Currency convert
    • Spotlight: $100 -  Converts to my system locale's currency
    • Alfred: c 50 usd to eur - Have to install plugin and type "c" keyword


I assume you’re using the soulver workflow. You can create or copy-paste the script filter object, set the keyword to $ and enter this in the Script text field: ./alfred-soulvercore "$1 usd to eur". This will call the equivalent of your c $1 usd to eur query.




On 2/20/2023 at 2:30 PM, daylightcome said:
  • Defining a word
    • Spotlight: <word> - Large definition display in window
    • Alfred: define <word> - Small definition display in 1 row


You can set up a hotkey to define the word from your text selection, e.g. alt+shift+d (define the prefix “define” on the hotkey object). In `Preferences > Features > Dictionary' you can also replace “define” with a shorter keyword. The small 1-line preview has also been bothering me for a while though. I’ve just been looking into it, and it should be easy enough to create a workflow that provides a QuickLook preview. I’ll come back to this when I find the time.

Edited by zeitlings
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