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Homebrew install failed: please install manually …

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When I launch the Dependency Manager, it always asks me to install Homebrew manually. I already did this. In the first step, I wanted Alfred to install Homebrew for me, but it failed. Now it always shows `Homebrew install failed: please install manually from https://brew.sh/`.


My workflows using Homebrew and Tools are running fine, but it would be great to get the Dependency Manager working again.


I uninstalled Homebrew this morning for some tests. Before this, Alfred worked well. I'm running macOS 14 first Dev beta on Apple Silicon. Maybe that's causing the problem.


How does Alfred try to detect if Homebrew is installed?

Edited by Tekl
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The DevTools were already installed, I reinstalled them with the download from Apples Website (Command_Line_Tools_for_Xcode_15_beta.dmg).


The output didn't change:

% xcode-select --print-path


Well, after two reboots it seems to work now. Strange.

Edited by Tekl
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