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Alfred is not letting me access the preferences anymore.

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I have a Mac from 2011 running macOS Yosemite 10.10 and lately I can access the preferences. I can use it for everything I was used to the only thing I can't is accessing the preferences and I need to update a couple of workflows. Is there a way to fix this or this is too old for you to resolve? In case you need to know I have various Macs from different years. Some are used as servers other as App especific machines and M1 as well... 

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@albertkinng Can you clarify which version of Alfred you're using on that Mac? On OS X Yosemite, Alfred 3 would be the appropriate version of Alfred to use in order for features to work as expected. Keep in mind that Alfred 5 workflows aren't backwards compatible to older versions of Alfred.


When saying Alfred isn't letting you access preferences, do you mean that 1. you can't open the preferences window? or 2. your previously customised preferences aren't loaded when you use Alfred?


If you can provide more details, we'll see whether the issue you're seeing can be resolved :) 

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  • 1 month later...

I am having the same problem, and it seems to have appeared around the same time as the OP.  If I typed "update" or "software"  in Alfred, previously it would suggest to me to open the System settings -  Software Update.  Now, it shows nothing.  Typing the same in spotlight works as expected.


I tried rebuilding the cache and doing an alfred Reset after cache, but it changed nothing.

Edited by kinwolf
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On 8/17/2023 at 5:25 AM, Vero said:

Can you clarify which version of Alfred you're using on that Mac?

I told you what Machine and OS I am using. Every time I try to see preferences or about the app it crashes. Is there other way to see the app version? Maybe if you tell me how I can tell you.

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5 hours ago, albertkinng said:

told you what Machine and OS I am using.

Please note that question was addressed to the other poster who tagged along on your thread. The question you have not answered was:

On 8/17/2023 at 10:25 AM, Vero said:

Can you clarify which version of Alfred you're using on that Mac?



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You can view which version of Alfred you're using from the hat in the menu bar:




Alternatively, open the Applications folder on your Mac, select Alfred, right click and "Get Info" from the popup menu. A macOS Window will open which includes a version number.




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12 minutes ago, Andrew said:

@kinwolf can i confirm, can you open Alfred's preferences? That's what the original post is about... not accessing the macOS System Preferences.


For accessing System Preferences, try one of these two workflows:





Hi, when I try this workflow https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/system-settings/   they all work, except "software updates" or "updates" which returns nothing and is the problem I am reporting here.  It was working fine around a month ago or so.

"updates" and "software updates" keyword both work fine in Spotlight.

Edited by kinwolf
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12 minutes ago, kinwolf said:

Hi, when I try this workflow https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/system-settings/   they all work, except "software updates" or "updates" which returns nothing and is the problem I am reporting here.  It was working fine around a month ago or so.

"updates" and "software updates" keyword both work fine in Spotlight.


The keyword for this preference is "software update", not "updates" or "software updates" (plural). The keywords used by Spotlight are not relevant in this case, as the ones you need to use are defined in the workflow.


You can find the full list of keywords on the page here:



Having said that, you can duplicate the workflow and add your own keywords if you prefer. However, note that you then won't get the updates from the Gallery for it in the future.

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@albertkinng As a quick note, I replied six weeks ago letting you know that Alfred 3 is the best version for Yosemite. See below:


On 8/17/2023 at 10:25 AM, Vero said:

@albertkinng Can you clarify which version of Alfred you're using on that Mac? On OS X Yosemite, Alfred 3 would be the appropriate version of Alfred to use in order for features to work as expected. Keep in mind that Alfred 5 workflows aren't backwards compatible to older versions of Alfred.


For macOS Ventura, yes, the latest Alfred 5 is the best version to use :)

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8 minutes ago, Vero said:

I replied six weeks ago

My apologies if I inadvertently gave the impression that your assistance was not appreciated. I assure you it was not my intention. Moving on to another matter, @Andrew input was more along the lines of "aiding" rather than simply "delivering information". The inclusion of a useful link and his pinpoint accurate responses were indeed commendable. Thanks to both for your patience and help! !

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1 hour ago, Vero said:


The keyword for this preference is "software update", not "updates" or "software updates" (plural). The keywords used by Spotlight are not relevant in this case, as the ones you need to use are defined in the workflow.


You can find the full list of keywords on the page here:



Having said that, you can duplicate the workflow and add your own keywords if you prefer. However, note that you then won't get the updates from the Gallery for it in the future.

It was working fine before though(Additional information:  It was working without that workflow.  I only installed this workflow to test it)
I can guarantee that as I have always used "update" as the keyword in alfred to access the update settings since I started using alfred(about a year ago I'd say).  Also, it doesn't work  either with "software update" as you can see on the screenshot



Anyway, it's no biggie and I have now created a custom workflow to fix this.  

Edited by kinwolf
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  • 1 month later...

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