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weather workflow

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hello there,

I am trying to get a weather workflow running but it seems that none is working besides almanac, which is not really an option since its reaaaally not good looking...  I've tried @jason0x43s workflow but it seems to be broken as well? I set up an API from openweather and I get an errorcode "Error 401 Unauthorized" 

how can I get a simple weather workflow running?

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When you have a question about a workflow that is not working it's really helpful to provide the name of the workflow and a link to it. However, It's even more helpful to open the debugger, run the troublesome workflow and post the output here. That will help us to see exactly what is going wrong for you.


The code you mention does suggest there is something wrong with the token you have applied but it would be more useful to see the entire output of the debugger.



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Hi @Stephen_C
Ooh, yeah... makes sense, right? :D 

Here is the Workflow link: https://github.com/jason0x43/alfred-weather

The workflow is called, you guest it, alfred-weather.

Here is the debugger log:

[10:42:17.124] Logging Started...
[10:42:33.222] Weather[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''
[10:42:33.304] Weather[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished
[10:42:33.308] STDERR: Weather[Script Filter] [alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Alfred version: 5.1.4
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Using config file /Users/BLABLABLA/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/config.json
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Using cache file /Users/BLABLABLA/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/cache.json
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 loaded config
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 loaded cache
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 set keyword to ''
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 tell: data=alfred.workflowData{Keyword:"", Mode:"tell", Mod:"", Data:""}, arg=''
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Adding menu item for 'daily'
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Adding menu item for 'hourly'
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Adding menu item for 'options'
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Adding menu item for 'refresh'
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 loaded cache
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:33 Fuzzy sorting items by ''
[10:42:33.309] Weather[Script Filter] {"items":[{"title":"daily","subtitle":"Get a forecast for the next few days","arg":"{\"keyword\":\"daily\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}","valid":true,"autocomplete":"daily"},{"title":"hourly","subtitle":"Get a forecast for the next few hours","arg":"{\"keyword\":\"hourly\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}","valid":true,"autocomplete":"hourly"},{"title":"options","subtitle":"Workflow options","arg":"{\"keyword\":\"options\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}","valid":true,"autocomplete":"options"},{"title":"refresh","subtitle":"Force forecast data to be re-downloaded","arg":"{\"keyword\":\"refresh\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}","valid":true,"autocomplete":"refresh"}]}
[10:42:36.133] Weather[Script Filter] Processing complete
[10:42:36.141] Weather[Script Filter] Passing output '{"keyword":"daily","mode":"tell"}' to Run Script
[10:42:36.151] STDERR: Weather[Run Script] [alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Alfred version: 5.1.4
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Using config file /Users/BLABLABLA/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/config.json
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Using cache file /Users/BLABLABLA/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/cache.json
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 loaded config
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 loaded cache
[10:42:36.152] Weather[Run Script] Processing complete
[10:42:36.152] Weather[Run Script] Passing output '-trigger {"alfredworkflow":{"arg":"","variables":{"data":"{\"keyword\":\"daily\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}"}}}' to Filter
[10:42:36.153] Weather[Run Script] Passing output '-trigger {"alfredworkflow":{"arg":"","variables":{"data":"{\"keyword\":\"daily\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}"}}}' to Filter
[10:42:36.154] Weather[Filter] Processing complete
[10:42:36.155] Weather[Filter] Passing output '-trigger {"alfredworkflow":{"arg":"","variables":{"data":"{\"keyword\":\"daily\",\"mode\":\"tell\"}"}}}' to Replace
[10:42:36.155] Weather[Replace] Processing complete
[10:42:36.156] Weather[Replace] Passing output '' to Call External Trigger
[10:42:36.161] Weather[External] Processing complete
[10:42:36.162] Weather[External] Passing output '' to Script Filter
[10:42:36.163] Weather[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''
[10:42:36.531] Weather[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished
[10:42:36.540] STDERR: Weather[Script Filter] [alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Alfred version: 5.1.4
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Using config file /Users/BLABLABLA/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/config.json
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Using cache file /Users/BLABLABLA/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.jason0x43.alfred-weather/cache.json
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 loaded config
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 loaded cache
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 set keyword to 'daily'
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 tell: data=alfred.workflowData{Keyword:"daily", Mode:"tell", Mod:"", Data:""}, arg=''
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Adding items for 'daily'
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Running DailyCommand
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 using configured location
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 getting forecast for main.Location{Latitude:38.9632411, Longitude:-9.4170802, ShortName:"BLABLABLA,BLABLABLA,BLABLABLA", Name:"BLABLABLA,BLABLABLA,BLABLABLAl"}
[weather] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 getting URL https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?appid=00d9deb6bb0990537913cfceaa7bbf59 &lat=38.963241&lon=-9.417080&units=metric
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 loaded cache
[alfred] 2024/02/01 10:42:36 Error: 401 Unauthorized
[10:42:36.543] Weather[Script Filter] {"items":[{"title":"Error: 401 Unauthorized","arg":"{}","valid":false}]}
[10:45:32.462] Logging Stopped.

I am not really sure what to do with it.... any suggestions?

Edited by actionjoe
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