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Is there a way to sync Web Bookmark shortcuts from an older laptop that I no longer have to my new laptop using my profile?

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My laptop with Alfred4 Megapack had a LOT of scripted shortcuts  and web bookmarks, we're talking hundreds for productivity and I even used it for work.

My laptop broke and I had to get it replaced and I didnt have access to the older laptop anymore, but i just installed alfred 5 on new laptop and i was hoping that my web bookmarks from my former laptop would sync here, but i can't seem to find that as an option or feature...

Do I really have to go and re-populate all my bookmarks when I'm the sole user of this tool and have full support access? Seems a bit of a tedious unfortunate task for me. I'm fine if have to do it again and just write them separately as an export file i guess moving forward but i figured i'd ask if there's an easier way to recover my older configurations based on my License profile


Thank you,


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5 hours ago, Cyber said:

I didnt have access to the older laptop anymore

I think the first question to ask is this: do you still have backups of that old laptop?


There are two points that are relevant to your question:

  • Alfred never natively stores anything in the Cloud—so everything is stored on your local machine. Thus, in that context, there's no such thing as a "Licence profile”.
  • Even if you were synchronising Alfred's preferences between the old and new machines (which doesn't appear relevant anyway in this case as the new machine merely replaced the old one) your web bookmarks are not saved within Alfred but, rather, within the browsers you use.

In essence, you're going to need a backup of your old laptop in order to retrieve anything you created in Alfred on the old machine (which would be stored in your old Alfred preferences).



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If by web bookmarks you mean web searches, those are stored in Alfred’s preferences. But if you never set up preferences syncing in Alfred (to Dropbox for example), they can only be retrieved from a Time Machine backup. 

if you don’t have Time Machine set up, stop what you’re doing and do it immediately. It will save you from these headaches. 

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