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Alfred not finding files - reindexing question

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I noticed that alfred is not finding any files on my mac. When I type a space and start typing, it only finds folders that match and not any files.


Then I did a re-index by clicking the 'reindex MacOS metadata index'.


Then the same. I used the troubleshoot tool to drop a file there and see the result. Originally it showed indexing may not be enabled on macOS. Now it shows the macos metadata as green but there are some yellow warnings as below

Any idea how to fix this? I have not tried deleting the .Spotlight-V100 folder yet. Wanted to post here before I do that.


Thank you!


Starting Diagnostics...

File: '2022.jpg'
Path: '/Users/xyz/Downloads'


Check file cache database...

File cache integrity is ok


Check if file is readable...

Alfred has permissions to read this file.

Unix Permissions: 420
Underlying Type: NSFileTypeRegular
Extended Attributes: (


Check if volume '/' is indexed by macOS...

Indexing is enabled on this drive


Check direct file metadata...

⚠️ Direct metadata is missing, this file is likely not indexed by macOS


Check mdls file metadata...

macOS metadata missing essential items

/Users/xyz/Downloads/2022.jpg: could not find /Users/xyz/Downloads/2022.jpg.


Troubleshooting failed

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The best thing to do is to work very carefully through all of the suggestions on this Alfred help page: Troubleshooting File Indexing Issues. (I know you have already followed some of the suggestions but if you're having a general problem finding files with Alfred you should work through all of the suggestions.)


Let us know what happens after you have done that.



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@sekarb Welcome to the forum :)


Given the output of the troubleshooter, the next step is indeed deleting the Spotlight-V100 and rebuilding your Mac's metadata. It's not a risky process and is reasonably quick, so get it going, go make a cup of tea, and come back later to run another troubleshooting check. Let us know how you get on :)



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