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Cannot use Auto paste on return

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I know this has been a topic discussed over and over here. 


But i have just encountered this problem again.


I have tried these and no luck
1. restarting mac

2. restarting alfred 

3. reinstailling alfred

4. regranting permission 

5. re-checking the auto paste checkmark

6. running tccutil reset All com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred


but i still have trouble using auto paste on return. and weirdly, on my other mac, with exactly the same config, it works.


may I know if there is anything else i can work on?


Mac Version: 13.3.1 (a)

Alfred Version: 4.8 [1312]





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@Quan Welcome to the forum :)


When you say you re-granted permissions, did you fully remove Alfred from the Accessibility preferences with the minus button, then re-add with the + button? 


What you describe does sound like accessibility not being correctly granted by macOS and usually the step above resolves this.

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