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is there any way to get the required chatGPT API key for the Alfred Workflow without giving my phone number ?

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or is there any workaround?.

In reddit some people seem very unhappy and complain about spam (as in 5 spam phone calls during the day) after giving their phone number.

thanks in advance for your time and help

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@rob213 I've been registered with the OpenAI platform for months and haven't received any emails or calls. To my knowledge, it's necessary to provide a phone number for registration, which is up to OpenAI, not up to us.


You can opt for using a different AI model if you prefer, though this may require a little more configuration on your part:



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thank you @Vero. Before I install the workflow, could you explain what the advantage is of going through Alfred instead of simply the chatGPT website where for example all past questions and answers are listed. thank you

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