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Shouldn't we be able to invoke Universal Actions on ScriptFilter JSON items even when arg is null?

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Posted (edited)

Alfred 5.5.2257


In light of my recent discovery of the (apparently old) feature in Script Filters where the actionable bit for Universal Actions can be customized via the "action": { ... } key, I've been playing around.


One thing I noticed is that for items with null/empty args, the <TAB> key to enter Universal Action picker will not activate. To me, this feels like a bug, or at least an artifically-imposed limitation. Reposting the example JSON from the other thread here.


Example - try actioning the "Thing with no arg" item below


cat <<EOJ
{ "items": [
  { "title": "Fruit",
    "arg": "Apple",
    "subtitle": "arg='Apple' ua='Orange'",
    "action": {
      "auto": "Orange"
  { "title": "Folder",
    "arg": "~/Documents",
    "subtitle": "arg='~/Documents' ua='~/Desktop'",
    "action": {
      "file": "~/Desktop"
  { "title": "URL",
    "arg": "https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json/",
    "subtitle": "arg='Alfred JSON help' ua='https://alfredapp.com'",
    "action": {
      "url": "https://alfredapp.com"
  { "title": "Thing with no arg",
    "arg": "",
    "subtitle": "arg='' ua='~/Documents'",
    "action": {
      "file": "~/Documents"


Edited by luckman212
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