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File Searching in Alfred 5 and Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1

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I just upgraded my Mac to an M3 and installed Alred 5.5. Previously I was able to search for files with CMD Space>Space> file name. This no longer works for me as everything points to Google or Amazon web sites. Is this a common bug or are my setting for search screwed up in some way? 


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Same issue here...brand new mac, new alfred 5.5 install.  Alfred has extensive help about disabling CMD-Space from spotlight (the macos default). I've been using Alfred for years.

With this install, after following all help, disabling CMD-SPace from spotlight, assinging different shortcut to spotlight, rebooting, re-indexing, etc.  Still can't get Alfred to accept CMD-Space.  I now use "CMD-CMD". (double CMD) as the shortcut.  


Would still prefer a solution.

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Posted (edited)

Welcome to the forum.


Under Alfred Preferences → Features → File Search is Quick Search enabled?


If it is, and you still have the problem, how did you move everything to your new Mac? Did you reinstall from scratch or did you use Migration Assistant?




Edit: This post is addressed to @alanq11. The immediately preceding post appeared at the same time as my post.

Edited by Stephen_C
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Sorry, @Stephen_C, I didn't see the second question...


Yes, I used the migration assistant.  It's really odd because when CMD-Space is used for spotlight, it works for spotlight meaning nothing else 'should" be using that shortcut. Then, I assign a different shortcut to spotlight and that works fine meaning CMD-Space should be free for a new assignment.  Yet, when I switch to Alfred prefs and try to enter CMD-Space it won't take it.  CMD-CMD is not too bad as an alternate.  It's just so 'odd'.


Thanks again,


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@Jeff P I'm sorry but you are making this thread somewhat confusing. Your issue is not  identical to that of the original poster. That issue relates to the use of ⌘ + space + space to search specifically for files using Alfred.


In respect of your issue I recommend you look at this Alfred help page: Using Cmd + space as your Alfred hotkey. It refers to a number of troubleshooting suggestions if you are having the sort of problem you mention.



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1 hour ago, Stephen_C said:

Welcome to the forum.


Under Alfred Preferences → Features → File Search is Quick Search enabled?


If it is, and you still have the problem, how did you move everything to your new Mac? Did you reinstall from scratch or did you use Migration Assistant?




Edit: This post is addressed to @alanq11. The immediately preceding post appeared at the same time as my post.


Hi Stephen - Yes, quick file search is enabled. I bought a new MacBook and restored everything from the old MacBook from a Time Machine backup. It brought everything across without issue (I thought). Because of the issue, I uninstalled and reinstalled Alfred 5, but that didn't fix the issue. 

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@alanq11 Could you please take a look at the indexing troubleshooting? If macOS isn't returning any search results to Alfred when you tap the spacebar followed by your keyword, it indicates that your Mac's index may need to be rebuilt.




If you need further help, please use the File Troubleshooter and share the output for a few files so that we can see in details what metadata is available.

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