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frustrated: just want to add a universal file action to rename the file (add date/time suffix), copy to one folder and move to another

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why does it have to be so complicated. It's like torture. This is not quantum computing. 

I am wasting hours trying to do something elementary. Can't find rename action, etc

thanks in advance for your time and help


this is what I get when I do a simple search for rename


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Your screenshot is of the Getting Started guide. All objects are below that and the Prefabs. Renaming a file isn’t as elementary as you might think, as there are several considerations to take into account, like if it the extension should be preserved, if it should stay in the same directory or be moved (“renaming” isn’t something you really do in computing, it’s essentially always moving to a target with a different name), or what to do if another file already exists at the location (overwrite, fail silently, show a message).

I get you’re frustrated, but you have to help us help you. Break down the problem. What exactly is the date/time suffix that should be appended? Is it the current time and date? In what format? Please provide an example of the original file name and an example of the final transformation. Also, what are the paths of the folders you want to copy and move to?

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