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Alfred text search in clipboard images

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Hi all,


New user to alfred. I've just bought the powerpack and can't seem to stop loving it more and more. However, I really wanted to have a search capability between my clipboard images, and I found a workflow. I installed in, but it doesn't seem to find anything. I made a few snapshots, they appear in the clipboard images, but once I type in any text (that's for sure in those images), the image does not appear. Am I doing something wrong?

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Welcome to the forum.


In order for us to help please provide a link to the workflow you are using—if possible by reference to an existing thread on this forum but otherwise a download link will suffice.



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Thank you—and here is the forum thread covering that workflow. It does appear from the thread that there have been previous problems with it which may not have been addressed by the developer.


I appreciate that is not the news you wanted but at least you know it's almost certainly not anything you are doing wrong!



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