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Workflow to list contents of a folder in Alfred window?

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I'm trying to make a workflow that, based on a keyword input, reveals in the dropdown Alfred menu all of the items in a particular folder, in alphabetical order—so that I can click on whichever I want to open it. I have searched for options for doing this, but have only found options for searching within folders with a File Filter (which I don't want to do) or searching for folders with a Folder Search. I also found a workflow by @deanishe that gets me much closer: it reveals the contents of a folder, as I would like, but the files appear in a haphazard order, which—given these particular files and file names—makes it very hard for me to find the specific one I'm looking for (I have the workflow activated but unfortunately cannot post it for reference because I can't locate the thread where I found it previously). Is there a way to do this? Any help would be really appreciated! 

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Connect a Keyword Input to a Folder Contents Automation Task, then to a Grid View. Or use the Fast Entry Configuration option in Thumbnail Navigation.

If you really want it as a list, that’s also doable. This workflow has both options. The notes on the objects tell you what you need to edit.

See the Getting Started Guide for an interactive tutorial on making a workflow. There is comprehensive documentation on the website to follow up (tip: find help for any object fast by clicking the (?) icon while editing). You may also be interested in the YouTube channel or the Simple Ideas series of forum posts.

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Brilliant! Thank you, @vitor. I somehow never found the Folder Contents Automation Task. And I never even would've thought to use a grid view. The workflow you linked to is fabulous, and both options work like a charm. 


I will check out the starting guide more thoroughly this summer. Every time I start looking at it, I seem to know everything I read—but I'm clearly missing many parts. Alfred is such a capable app! 

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I downloaded this workflow to replace one that I have somehow lost; need simply a find folder [name] workflow at this point but I cannot see how to configure the hot key trigger for your workflow (for which thanks). 

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Thanks. I found a replacement workflow for a simple folder-name search. I'd like to know how to get yours to go too but am not able to do so. Suppose I want to list folder contents for folder named "X".  Do I type anything after "listfoldercontents"? Sorry but this is new to me. tx

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Edit the Automation Tasks in the Workflow to choose another folder, as per the instructions. If you want to choose a folder dynamically, use Thumbnail Navigation.


You could edit the workflow further but there are too many different ways to do it so I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader. Getting familiar with the documentation to learn what is possible is the first step.

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