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File system navigation - return key confusion

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Howdy. Potential LaunchBar convert here.


I'm a bit confused by the behavior of the return key when I'm navigating the file system in Alfred. I search for a folder using a leading space, then typing the folder name. With the folder I want to navigate is highlighted, I hit Command+Down to show the folder contents in Alfred.


In the Preferences > Features > Flle Search, I have this UN-ticked:

[ ] Use <Return> to open folders in Finder

And I read:

"By default, while browsing <Return> will navigate into a folder. Use this option to open folders in Finder instead. Note: At any point, you can use cmd+o to open a Folder in Finder."


However, when I use the arrow keys while navigating in Alfred to select a subfolder and hit Return, it does NOT open the folder in Alfred, but opens the the folder in Finder (well, in Path Finder which is my designated file handler).


Maybe I have some confusion between Search and Navigate as discussed here:



Personally, I'd like to be able to determine what <Return> does to a folder in the Search window AND in navigation. I'm trying to keep my finders on the homerow, and want to avoid modified arrow keys. Why isn't <Return> navigating into a folder?


Thanks! - eric

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I have the same setting as you but cannot reproduce your behaviour, it’s behaving as you’d expect.


What are your exact installed versions of Alfred and macOS?


Are you able to record a short video of you doing it with the settings open? That often helps in these situations where we may be doing different things without realising.

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@vitor - I'm on Alfred 5.5, running Mac OS Sonoma 14.5


I think I'm seeing the problem.

If I search for a folder, highlight it, and hit Return, it opens the folder in Finder.

If I search for a folder, highlight it, hit command+down to enter navigation, highlight a folder in navigation and hit Return, it enters the folder in Alfred's navigator

So I *do* (did) have a misunderstanding that a folder selected in the search window is fundamentally different than a folder shown in the navigator display.

At first glance, I find this inconsistent and a weakness. Perhaps I'll come to realize this is a positive. We shall see.

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