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Alfred 4 depth of search issue

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Hi folks,

I'm having some trouble with Alfred 4, specifically in searching for folders inside of folders. If I define the search scope as "~", it can find everything in "/Users/[username]", but searches no deeper, which is frustrating when I want to jump to a file several folders deep.


For a bit of upfront context of current setup and what I have tried so far:

  • MacAir M2, Sonoma 14.4.1 (migrated from previous Mac)
  • Running Alfred 4.8 [1312] with Full Disk Access
  • Spotlight has all possible icons ticked, with nothing under Spotlight Privacy.
  • The files I am trying to reach are not in hidden folders. They're almost always visible files located under "~", i.e. within Documents, Downloads, Google Drive etc.
  • After hitting -> I am able to find the file by manually typing the pathway in Alfred.
  • If I set the search scope to "/" - i.e. the entire drive - Alfred is able to find the nested file, but results are rather cluttered.
  • Spotlight is able to find the file, so I suspect it is not Spotlight indexing issue.
  • I have already Rebuilt MacOS Metadata after seeing this suggested on another thread. 


Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks!



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Welcome to the forum.


Thanks for all the detailed information you provided. I think the first step is to work slowly through all of the steps in this Alfred help page: Troubleshooting File Indexing Issues.


If you still have a problem after doing that please run the built-in troubleshooting as indicated on that page, choose one of the files you're unable to find with Alfred and post all of the output in this thread.



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