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Empty Alfred prompt

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When Alfred is closed after finishing a prompt, this prompt is saved the next time you open Alfred again. It is there an overwrite mode, so entering a new prompt is no problem. However, is there an option to have Alfred opening the bar with an empty prompt after previous activity?

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If you go to Alfred Preferences → Features → Advanced and un-check, under History: both Store Typed Query and Show latest query if within 5 minutes is the result what you want?



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@rebdeg Stephen's suggestion is the best way to disable it, if you prefer not to see your previous query when showing Alfred within the first 5 minutes from your last query.


However, keep in mind that when you pop Alfred back up, the existing query is highlighted, so as soon as you start typing, the previous one is deleted and replaced with what you're typing. As such, you can keep it there for convenience and just start typing on top of it if the previous query is no longer relevant. :)

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