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Creating a custom web search

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I've created a few custom web searches and they work great.


However, I like to look at auction websites that all use a certain platform (cloudcatalogus), where I don't know how to make a custom search. 

There is a search bar in the top left but the url doesn't change.

For example, https://oprechteveiling.cloudcatalogus.nl/Home/Catalog or https://derksen.cloudcatalogus.nl/Home/Catalog (there a more but they use the same code). 

a different one is this one: https://new.onderdeboompjes.nl/public


Is there anyway to make these easily in a Alfred custom search? 



Edited by rees
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It is up to the site to provide an interface/API via URL for searching.


I've created some custom web searches for the doc sites of git, pypi, matplotlib and others with the help of startpage or google by adding +site: to the query.


Example: My git doc search:


Search URL of my git doc search:

https://startpage.com/do/search?language=english&query=site:git-scm.com {query}


Maybe this will work with cloudcatalogus.nl too.


Gruß Hans-Peter






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