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Compress PDFs via iLoveAPI Alfred Workflow

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Hi all,


I recently started to pick up programming, and decided to build this PDF Compressor Alflred workflow as a side project.


My work requires me to generate lots of PDFs and sending it to others via email, and I found that current available PDF Compress Alfred workflows just aren't as good as iLovePDF when it comes to maintaining quality and still being able compress PDFs significantly. I recently found out that they have iLoveAPI for developers so I thought it would be fun to build something useful for myself.


Here's the link to the Alfred Workflow: https://github.com/scwxian/pdf_compress_iloveapi


I used the "TinyPNG" workflow by vitor as reference, as it was one of my most frequently used workflows & most similar in functionality that I could think of.


Do excuse my terrible code, I thought to share in case someone else benefits from having this handy! I don't plan to update this workflow anytime soon as this is good enough for me :) 


Anyone interested feel free to pick this up and do whatever you'd like with it!

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Hi @vitor! Thanks all the all the workflows you publish, I use a lot of them and it has saved me countless months if not years :)

Appreciate you trying out the workflow. I've uploaded a new workflow with the same code but added in quotes to all the commands & variables, does the error still happen?

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