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trouble creating list filter of alfred keywords which trigger workflows

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I am creating a list filter for Alfred keywords that I tend to forget.


I understand that I have to create a CSV file with title, subtitle and argument. I would like to know what to write as an argument so that selecting the keyword (once found) triggers the workflow


thank you very much



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@rob213 I understand what you're trying to achieve... so I created a mock workflow (which I called Brain Slush for those moments where you can't remember keywords ;) ) to show you how you can create a list filter


I connected a List Filter to a Show Alfred object:




The List filter would contain your list of workflow names (with the additional keywords you need to help you find them in the title field). For example, if I can't remember "Currency converter", I've also added "money" and "exchange". I've set the keyword to be optional, so I'll both see a scrollable list *and* be able to type the word to shorten the list.


The argument contains the real keyword for the workflow.


I then connected it to a Show Alfred object, set to {query} followed by a space:


Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 10.59.13.png

When using the list filter and choosing my result, Alfred will then be auto-filled with the keyword from the List Filter, a space, and be ready for you to type your query.


Hope this helps :)


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Hello again,

I am looking for a way to add notes to my workflow with tips in case I come back to the workflow in a few months !

I don't like the "edit note" in the context menu of objects because the area to work in is too small and it is text only and I use Bear Notes extensively for everything. In the edit note field, I could not insert the markdown link to this forum page and to my Bear note.

I prefer to create Bear Notes containing all the information. Each Bear Note has a unique URL. My question is where could I store that Bear Link in my workflows (which I prefer to individual objects).

thank you very much !



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@rob213 When you have the Powerpack preferences open to the Workflows tab, you'll see what @Stephen_C pointed to in the top right corner.


Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 18.58.00.png


Click the [x] and choose the "About this workflow" tab; You can then write as much as you need in the large text field.

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