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Something wrong with my list filter action

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I am trying to understand list filters.


I created a test workflow containing a single action: a list filter. In the list filter, I added a series of URLs from which I want to select.


3 are websites and one is a URL link to a Bear Note


When I trigger the keyword, I see the list below but nothing happens when I press Enter on one of the selections (the URL is not triggered).


Keyword line: I tried argument optional, argument required which just makes things worse (I no longer see the list below the keyword).


thank you very much






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i don't know what your full workflow looks like but i would set it argument optional or not required -- and then just make sure you have it connected to a Open URL object. It will receive the passed in URL and open whatever browser you choose or the URl scheme of the app:



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thank you very much @sepulchra! You solved my problem. Very kind of you.


To answer your question, my workflow only contained one object, the list file action.


If it is not asking too much can I ask you follow-up questions:


1- import CSV file


Can the CSV look like:





one per line is easier for me 


or does it have to be

title1,subtitle1,arg1, title2,subtitle2,arg2


2- mixing arguments.

In my workflow, all arguments are URLs. Is it possible and how to mix URLs UNIX file paths and other types of arguments. For the sake of the discussion, let's ignore the fact that I can create a file path URL.


thanks again very much !!

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3 hours ago, rob213 said:

Can the CSV look like


It has to. That’s how CSVs work, you have to switch to another line for another entry. If you put all entries in the same line, it doesn’t know when to switch.


By the way, you don’t have to use CSVs in List Filters. You can just add entries manually via the [+]. I got the (perhaps wrong) impression (from another thread) that you thought CSVs are mandatory, but they are not, they are a convenience feature.


4 hours ago, rob213 said:

Is it possible and how to mix URLs UNIX file paths and other types of arguments.


You add whatever you like. An argument is always just text of whatever. A URL itself is also just text, which so happens to follow a certain structure that specialised apps interpret in a particular way. In other words, there’s no difference between https://example.com or /Some/file/path in an argument, they’re both strings of characters. The receiver is what interprets those differently (or not) and acts accordingly.

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9 hours ago, vitor said:

You add whatever you like. An argument is always just text of whatever. A URL itself is also just text, which so happens to follow a certain structure that specialised apps interpret in a particular way. In other words, there’s no difference between https://example.com or /Some/file/path in an argument, they’re both strings of characters. The receiver is what interprets those differently (or not) and acts accordingly


thank you for your reply.

that is precisely my question. How do you handle the receiver when you have 2 types of arguments: URL and file path. 

How should I modify the workflow below so that I can include URLs and paths in the list filter?

thank you your patience !



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If you want to  keep them in the same list filter I would think you would  need a conditional utility between your list filter and  your open url object to pass URLs or File Paths.  You would also need a branch off the conditional utility to the Browse in Alfred Object and the Open File Object (depending on what you want to accomplish).


Personally, I like to file paths in their own workflow/list filter with a different hotkey.



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