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File Action Order

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I found a post on here for how to make a Universal Action to send a file to Devonthink. I am trying now to change the sort order of the display of file actions when I trigger the hotkey so that my preferred actions are showing and have the shortcut assigned. 


I use very few actions and so would like my 5 frequently used to be at the top.


Many thanks,


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Posted (edited)

Thank you Stephen, that is the behaviour I see for the regular Alfred search field. It is amazing at choosing the likely result. 


I have used the Universal Actions on files for a long time and the contents and order of these have never changed. For example on the attached image, I use "Copy to" action 95% of the time and it hasn't changed position. I have never used "Open with". I don't think this order ever changes.

CleanShot 2024-08-27 at 17.02.29@2x.png


If I uncheck a lot of options in the Universal Action settings, I can make it rise to near the top but I would prefer to rearrange the order if possible.

CleanShot 2024-08-27 at 17.02.29@2x.png


I guess this is not possible?


CleanShot 2024-08-27 at 17.05.44@2x.png

Edited by jxg79
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25 minutes ago, jxg79 said:

have used the Universal Actions on files for a long time and the contents and order of these have never changed.

Sorry this is not going to be a very helpful response but…they do change for me (pretty much instantly when I use one)! The ones I use regularly rise to the top of the list.


It may be worth checking Alfred Preferences → Features → Universal Actions and then the Actions tab to ensure that you have checked the various options available there under Other Actions: (because, I think, you're wanting to see your workflow file actions and workflow Universal Actions in the relevant list).


Also check the on the General tab you've set Sort Actions by last used per type.



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@jxg79 There's a forum thread from a few years ago that has some of us asking for a little more manual control over the sort order of the default Universal Actions. While @Stephen_C and @Vero's suggestions seem to have solved your first question, I agree finagling Alfred's sorting algorithm isn't always viable, particularly with the default actions.


Chime in on that forum thread if that's something you want as well. Hopefully with enough people this is something we can see in a future update.

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I did not have the action ordering check box checked. I will enable this for a few days and see if it that helps.


Edit: I just send 3 files using the action and it is now the top result for that file type.


@FireFingers21 - I will take a look at that thread.


Many thanks

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