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List of volumes in default results

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Is it possible to display the mounts in /Volumes in the default results, and that after selecting them the file manager becomes active? I know it's possible to create a workflow that lists all volumes, but I want it in the default results (as I use this feature 40+ times per day). I couldn't find a setting for this.

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Is it possible to display the mounts in /Volumes in the default results, and that after selecting them the file manager becomes active? I know it's possible to create a workflow that lists all volumes, but I want it in the default results (as I use this feature 40+ times per day). I couldn't find a setting for this.


Hmm as far as I can think, there isn't... but I guess there should be! I've added a feature request ticket to look into adding this by default.




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Hmm as far as I can think, there isn't... but I guess there should be! I've added a feature request ticket to look into adding this by default.




Thank you! that would really be awesome :). I was used to this in Launchbar (but Alfred is way more awesome).


Meanwhile I've created a workflow with a hotkey that takes me to /Volumes in Alfred's filemanager (with 'Browse in Alfred').

Edited by spacek33z
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