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Three Finger Tap Look Up Doesn't Work

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Hey there


This might be a very specific problem, but I've always used Alfred as a fast way to look up words with the three finger tap look up function. Bring up Alfred, write out the word, three finger tap to display the dictionary definition. However recently, the three finger tap thingie doesn't work anymore in Alfred, even though it still works elsewhere, e.g. in the browser and with word processors.


Alfred, v 2.8 (414)


OS X El Capitan 10.11


I don't remember if this happened when I upgrade to El Capitan, since the three finger tap thingie doesn't work with Spotlight either (and I don't know if it ever worked with Spotlight).


Thank you for your time :)

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You might find that selecting compatibility mode in Alfred's Appearance > Options will bring the behaviour back, but if you'd rather not even use the mouse, you could use Alfred's built in "Define" keyword which will open the definition of the selected word in Dictionary.app without having to use the mouse and triple tap :)


[moving to the help sub-forum]




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