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"Open file" workflow action

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Is there a way to see path of the file I've placed into the "Open File" action ?



The workflows I've made for myself are all pretty simple ones, that just open files in specific apps. I'm constantly bumping into the issue that I have no idea what some of those files are. Especially if it's a file I haven't launched in a while. The full path would give it some more context (or if I could open the path in finder).


The most irritating thing is that some of these files share the same name and extension, but exist in different locations. I have no way of knowning which one is which, unless I remember it based on the hotkey or keyword I've given the action.

Edited by joonas
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This is kind of a biggie.


Most workflow elements are so badly described in the UI that (if you have more than a couple of elements) you've no idea what is what without opening their sheets. A tooltip or two would be a massive help.


Personally, due to the opacity of workflow elements and the difficulty of rearranging them in the editor, I try to put as much of the UX complexity in the script(s) as possible, and not in the UI.

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Personally, due to the opacity of workflow elements and the difficulty of rearranging them in the editor, I try to put as much of the UX complexity in the script(s) as possible, and not in the UI.


This should hopefully be fully addressed when I overhaul workflows :)

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