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Google Maps search bug with Chrome?

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I'm setting up a new Macbook for my wife, who prefers to use Chrome as her default browser.


Using the Alfred command "Maps" to search google maps works fine if Chrome is already running; however, if Chrome is not running, then Chrome will launch and open a new tab, but to the default home page, not the Maps search.


I don't have this problem on any of my other macs, which use Safari as the default browser.  TIA for any suggestions!

  • What you were doing when the issue happened - attempting to use Maps to search Google Maps when Chrome was not already running; Chrome launches and opens a new tab but with the default home page not the maps search
  • Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action - yes, every time Chrome is closed the problem replicates on next maps search
  • Include any screenshots that might help us - not sure what would be helpful here, hopefully the description describes the issue adequately
  • Include the Alfred version & build number you are using - 2.82 (432)
  • Include your OS X version - 10.11.3
  • Chrome version - 48.0.2564.116 (64-bit)
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With the same versions of everything, I cannot reproduce. Some thoughts:

  • Does you wife use any Chrome extensions that might be interfering?
  • Does this happen with any other Alfred Custom Search, or is it exclusive to maps?
  • What if you use an Alfred Workflow (try Searchio!) instead, does the issue still occur? Regardless, she’ll probably prefer Searchio! to the default method.
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Thanks for the quick response Vitor.  Update testing some of your ideas...


What is actually happening is that if Chrome is not already running, triggering a web search from Alfred is launching two instances of Chrome.  It launches Chrome with the correctly-triggered search first, and then immediately launches a second instance of Chrome straight over the top, with the default home page. This happens so fast that I hadn't spotted it at first - and it is actually a new instance of Chrome, i.e. a new window, not a second tab in the same window.


This doesn't happen if Chrome is already running, it just opens a new tab as it should with the correct search.  Note that I (and my wife) do have our browsers set to trigger new links to open in new tabs not new windows, so theoretically Chrome should never launch a second window.


I set my default browser to the latest version of Chrome on another Macbook and am finding the same issue.  I disabled ALL extensions so I don't think it's that.


And now that I check - yes, this is happening with other Alfred searches as well.  Pretty much anything that launches a URL into Chrome - whether it's "Maps" as above, or a Searchio! search (any search, not just a Searchio! m search), or even just a random web search like "Apple Insider" (tested using both Google and DuckDuckGo).


Obviously a simple ⌘+W will remove the offending second window, but still a minor irritation since it's every search where Chrome is not already running.


If no one else is experiencing this issue then I guess if it's not Chrome extensions it may be something else I have installed during setup...I certainly think it's possible that there is something that I install on macs as standard setup, that I would also have added to my wife's configuration.  A screenie of the installed apps is here.


By the way - thanks for the tip on Searchio! - that is AMAZING and I am going to use it (with Safari!) on my other macs.


Thanks again!



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If no one else is experiencing this issue then I guess if it's not Chrome extensions it may be something else I have installed during setup...I certainly think it's possible that there is something that I install on macs as standard setup, that I would also have added to my wife's configuration




I remember seeing this in the past, and it being a bug in Chrome. You would see the issue in Terminal using the open command to open a URL too.


On OS X 10.11.3 with the same Chrome Version 48.0.2564.116 (64-bit), I'm not seeing this issue on my MacBook Pro with Chrome fully quit.


I'm going to move this into the help forum in as more people look in there and may be able to help you!




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