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I try typing "in" to search inside folders and it suggests indesign.

I try typing op to get it to open a file and it suggests open xml in excel and OmniPlan...Grrrr..


I just want to exclude it from suggesting these so I can get basic functionality!

I looked in prefs, damn apps setting is greyed out! Frustation increases, ready to throw mac out of the window (only joking, I think)


I can use spotlight to load my apps, I don't need that functionality from alfred!!


Looked in help, they say to exclude things from spotlight! Come on now, this is a wind up, right?!


Somebody please ignore my frustrated tone and help me please please before I go crazy! (too late - haha laughs and twitches)


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Never mind, I found out I have to go into each app that I want to ignore and add Alfred:ignore to the comments section of it's info pane.

Nice one. :/ and thanks for adding a simple ignore section to the preferences, I'm sure it would take months of work to add something as simple as that.


Also: I tried adding workflows to get youtube to load in a different browser (because the websearch section of the prefs doesn't allow this simple functionality of being able to choose a browser) and guess what, it didn't work because programmers didn't put in a simple reload cache button.. .


What happened, did the programmers become lazy (after getting alfred to do everything for them) that we users have to do crazy customisation just to get simple functionality?


Anyways nothing I tried worked so I browsed online for hours only to find I needed to simply restart the app..New users are experiencing this frustration with this app every day, a little beta testing might be in order. Ignore, delete or make excuses for this as you probably have with all the others that have voiced concerns, I'm giving the alfred app another go because it genuinely is an amazing app that makes life easier, the initial setup is a pain in the proverbial though but I'm sure I'll get the day that I've wasted on this back through minutes of productivity and ease of use.

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Never mind, I found out I have to go into each app that I want to ignore and add Alfred:ignore to the comments section of it's info pane.

Nice one. :/ and thanks for adding a simple ignore section to the preferences, I'm sure it would take months of work to add something as simple as that.


Also: I tried adding workflows to get youtube to load in a different browser (because the websearch section of the prefs doesn't allow this simple functionality of being able to choose a browser) and guess what, it didn't work because programmers didn't put in a simple reload cache button.. .


What happened, did the programmers become lazy (after getting alfred to do everything for them) that we users have to do crazy customisation just to get simple functionality?


There is no need for your aggressive tone, and I can assure you that I'm not lazy and that Alfred is extremely robust and reliable.


Applications are included by default as this is core Alfred functionality. Having said that, you simply need to remove /Applications from Alfred's Features > Default Results > Search Scope, and then type 'reload' into Alfred to clear the applications cache, and the applications will no longer be visible in Alfred.


When adding or configuring workflows, you shouldn't need to refresh anything at all, they update in Alfred immediately.


Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile (only visible to admins), and then I'll see if I can help you further with why workflows aren't refreshing for you.




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Like Andrew said don't be disrespectful...Alfred is a really powerful and wonderful app and the Alfred team plus people on this Forum are happy to help. 

You hast have to be nice like other people. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

In addition to that google and check the forum before making a post. You can also check Alfreds help where a lot of things are explained.


Another thing is that Andrew is definitely not lazy. I don't know if you have ever written any kind of software, but i can assure you making something robust the way Alfred is and so clean 

is not just done in a few minutes.


So now your problems. Andrew pointed out how you can fix your application problem. The reason why you get different suggestions is cause of the use you have for those. When you call an 

app more often, its going to end up higher in the list. Youtube gets usually opened in your default browser but can be easily changes. For youtube searches and so on i can suggest this 

workflow here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/searchio


Other than that Alfred can be used for almost everything, just check out packal.org and you can check out most of the workflows available.

I use it more than 80 times a day and at projects over 250 times so guess that speaks for itself.






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