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Alfred Interfering with web app shortcuts.

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I'm new to Alfred so I am not sure where to look in its preferences for this.


In a web app I use daily, there are some shortcuts that I frequently use: ⌃⌥S and ⌃⌥P. Whenever I have Alfred running, these often do not work. As soon as I close Alfred, they work again. Any ideas where I can look in Alfred's preferences to see if something is interfering with these? Thanks.

Edited by Unseen Vision
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You can check Alfreds basic hotkeys here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/cheatsheet/

Its not using any of those 2 you're pointing out by basic. Maybe you have changed any or they are used by an workflow?

To easily check follow this:


Cmd + Opt + ] isn't a default Alfred hotkey, so check the preferences for any hotkeys you've changed or customised. If you have a lot of workflow hotkeys, click on the cog and choose "Show hotkeys" to help you check them at a glance.




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I'm not seeing any workflows with the shortcuts I use. I'm not sure how to check Alfred preferences for any hotkeys. I've checked Features and don't see anything using these shortcuts so I'm still not sure what could be causing it.



To check in workflows, you can click the cog next to the search box in the top left of the Workflows tab and check "Show Hotkeys"; This will list all hotkeys for your workflows.


The hotkeys you mention in your first post aren't default Alfred hotkeys, so either you'll have set some in workflows or changed some of the default features ones.


Also, just to cover all bases, do you use any keyboard remappers that could cause this?



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To check in workflows, you can click the cog next to the search box in the top left of the Workflows tab and check "Show Hotkeys"; This will list all hotkeys for your workflows.


The hotkeys you mention in your first post aren't default Alfred hotkeys, so either you'll have set some in workflows or changed some of the default features ones.


Also, just to cover all bases, do you use any keyboard remappers that could cause this?






I was able to check workflows previously. None of them are using the shortcuts I mentioned. I don't use any keyboard remappers.



It seems, after further testing, that if I just activate Alfred (I'm using ⌘+Space) then go back to my browser (Safari), the Safari (Zendesk, specifically) shortcuts work. Now that I think about it more.....I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I am using Alfred snippets in Zendesk as well. Could this be pulling focus away from the Zendesk built-in shortcuts somehow when I call an Alfred snippet?


Edit: I'm 99% sure that the snippets are the issue. I just answered an email in Zendesk where I used a snippet and then I couldn't use ⌃⌘S to submit the response. I then answered an email without using any Alfred snippets and I was able to use the shortcut to submit. Alfred is somehow hijacking or disabling the use of Zendesk shortcuts when snippets are used on the page.


Note: The issue also happens with or without the 'Automatically expand snippets by keyboard' option enabled. Also, moving to a different Safari tab and then back to the one Zendesk is on also seems to fix the stolen focus.

Edited by Unseen Vision
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