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No vCards displayed from BusyContacts

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I have replaced my OSX addressbook with BusyContacts (BC) and setup the URL Handler in Alfred accordingly to:



However, many times the connection between Alfred & BC seems to be "broken", as no contacts are displayed in Alfred even when I type the complete name.


I have checked the console and found the following entry recently:


17.08.16 07:45:27,311 com.apple.AddressBook.ContactsAccountsService[13116]: [Accounts] Current connection, <NSXPCConnection: 0x7f8db8622a30> connection from pid 13927, doesn't have account access.
17.08.16 07:45:27,312 Alfred 2[13927]: [Accounts] Failed to update account with identifier FE6FD329-5364-4F7C-819B-D4FDEA735425, error: Error Domain=ABAddressBookErrorDomain Code=1002 "(null)"

I wonder if this may help to analyse and fix this bug?


Thank you and have a perfect day :)


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I restarted both Alfred & BC, but the bug remains:


17.08.16 07:55:00,990 Alfred 3[14143]: [TIMER] 1.397466 seconds to initialise Alfred 3
17.08.16 07:55:07,602 Console[14145]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
17.08.16 07:55:14,295 com.apple.AddressBook.ContactsAccountsService[13116]: [Accounts] Current connection, <NSXPCConnection: 0x7f8db861ecb0> connection from pid 14143, doesn't have account access.
17.08.16 07:55:14,296 Alfred 3[14143]: [Accounts] Failed to update account with identifier FE6FD329-5364-4F7C-819B-D4FDEA735425, error: Error Domain=ABAddressBookErrorDomain Code=1002 "(null)"
17.08.16 07:55:16,582 lsd[298]: LaunchServices: Could not store lsd-identifiers file at /private/var/db/lsd/com.apple.lsdschemes.plist
17.08.16 07:55:27,503 com.apple.AddressBook.ContactsAccountsService[13116]: [Accounts] Current connection, <NSXPCConnection: 0x7f8db840ca60> connection from pid 14146, doesn't have account access.
17.08.16 07:55:27,503 CalNCService[14146]: [Accounts] Failed to update account with identifier FE6FD329-5364-4F7C-819B-D4FDEA735425, error: Error Domain=ABAddressBookErrorDomain Code=1002 "(null)"
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  • 2 weeks later...



I have replaced my OSX addressbook with BusyContacts (BC) and setup the URL Handler in Alfred accordingly to:



However, many times the connection between Alfred & BC seems to be "broken", as no contacts are displayed in Alfred even when I type the complete name.


I wonder if this may help to analyse and fix this bug?


Thank you and have a perfect day :)



Alfred only has a technical relationship with OS X's contacts database / API, and not BusyContacts. As long as contacts are correctly synced from BusyContacts to OS X's Contacts, then Alfred should be able to see / show them.


Could you also make sure that Alfred has been granted access to contacts in OS X's Security & Privacy > Privacy > Contacts preferences.




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Alfred only has a technical relationship with OS X's contacts database / API, and not BusyContacts. As long as contacts are correctly synced from BusyContacts to OS X's Contacts, then Alfred should be able to see / show them.


Could you also make sure that Alfred has been granted access to contacts in OS X's Security & Privacy > Privacy > Contacts preferences.





Hey Andrew,


I am also using BusyContacts and am trying to make it so that Alfred will search for BusyContacts contacts instead of OS X contacts. There are two different databases and they are not synced. Can I just search for BusyContacts database and show results in Alfred?


I have this url handler set up as per instructions : 




But this does not work. Is there a way to make Alfred work with BusyContacts? Thank you. 

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But this does not work. Is there a way to make Alfred work with BusyContacts? Thank you. 



Hi there,


As Andrew says in his reply above, Alfred only has access to the contacts available via OS X's Contacts API, so you'll need to ensure your contacts are synced with your local OS X Contacts database for Alfred to be able to find them. :)



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