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Ddyracer last won the day on June 6 2014

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  1. It took me a while to understand this but i must say, well done i can find almost everything with this workflow.
  2. Link ​Use with Terminal Hack: defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -int 13
  3. Sure! Sorry for late reply. Here it is
  4. got it quicker than i thought it would take. thx.
  5. Thanks for the response. I would like to make a workflow that mounts my drive. I have two partitions so what i would like to do is mount both. Is this possible and if so can you tell me how?
  6. Could anyone tell me how to make this? Thanks
  7. Thanks for tip. i'll give it a shot. Couldn't you just add your flash drive to the search scope?
  8. It does not. I am running DP4 of Mavericks so that might be the issue here. But, even in ML Alfred seems to have trouble showing these file types. For example, take com.apple.dock.plist i can find it in Spotlight but for some reason it refuses to show in Alfred.
  9. Could this be added to the "find" and open "keywords"? It seems like Alfred doesn't find everything in the query whereas spotlight does. For example plist files, bin files and the like.
  10. Can you ask him to add quicklook to dictionary?
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